Discover local businessses offering rewards near you.
Join their Loyalty Club to access exclusive members-only perks.
Earn a token with every visit. Exchange them for rewards when you have enough.
Enjoy ongoing rewards & special offers while strengthening your local community!
Through our app we empower ambitious local independents with powerful features designed to grow sales and save time, all-in-one.
Loyalty Club
Easily create and manage your own exclusive loyalty club on the poddle App. Reward customers with tokens, perks and exclusive offers to keep them coming back and spending more.
Automated Marketing
Effortlessly engage your customers with poddle app. From personalised to automated reminders, poddle's tech ensures they return time and time again.
Instant Offers
Drive more sales directly from the poddle app. Create special offers and promotions in seconds, send them to your customers instantly and watch those slow says turn into sellouts.
poddle Smartcards
The only tool you need to power your Loyalty Club - no extra devices, no hassle. Each staff member has one, and, with just one tap, they can add members, award tokens, and redeem rewards. poddle's automated tech handles the rest, keeping customers engaged and spending more - while you focus on running your business.
Customer Data
Understand your customers better with the poddle app. Build a connected customers database and gather insights to make smarter, data-driven decisions for your business.
Marketing Hub
Effortlessly promote your Loyalty Club, special offers, and more across social media, email, and Whatsapp with just one click of a button - boosting engagement and driving more growth.
Push Notifications
Instantly reach your customers' mobile phones with reminders, updates, greetings and more sent via the poddle app - keeping your business top-of-mind and strengthening customer relationships in seconds.
Reports & Insights
Track growth in your Loyalty Club, your repeat visits, your sales, and more via simple, real-time analytics - helping you make data-drive decisions that increase revenue and profits.
Local Customers
Helped us understand what incentives they needed to continue visiting and spending with local businesses - fuelling local economies.
Local Businesses
Helped us build the #1 tool for them to get more customers visiting and spending more, with no extra effort.
Local Partners
Actively worked with us to define how poddle could bring communities together-from council's to BID's, Chambers, the FSB and beyond.